Qatar Cancer Society and MSD GCC Partner to Raise Cancer Awareness


In a bid to raise awareness and combat cancer, Qatar Cancer Society, a non-profit organization focused on preventing and reducing the burden of cancer in Qatar, has partnered with MSD GCC, a leading global pharmaceutical company. The two entities have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch a collaborative effort aimed at promoting cancer prevention and the significance of early screening.

His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Khalid bin Jabor Al Thani, Chairman of Qatar Cancer Society, and Ashraf Mallak, Managing Director of MSD GCC, signed the MOU. The signing ceremony saw attendance from key representatives and decision-makers from various healthcare bodies in Qatar, as well as media representatives from a wide range of publications. Their presence underscores the importance of this partnership and highlights a shared commitment to advancing awareness and disseminating information about cancer research and treatment advancements.

Commenting on the MOU, His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Khalid bin Jabor Al Thani, Chairman of Qatar Cancer Society, said, “Through strategic partnerships like this one with MSD GCC, Qatar Cancer Society continues its mission to educate and empower communities, contributing to our mission to prevent cancer and reduce its burden in Qatar. Through working with the broader healthcare ecosystem, we aim to support, empower and advocate for people living with the disease, and to engage in professional development and scientific research in the field of cancer,” he stated.

He added, “MSD has a long history of combatting cancer through their innovative therapies, and we are delighted to partner with them and gain from their networks, expertise, and knowledge to drive public awareness and combat HPV-preventable cancers in the country.”

Remarking on the MOU, Ashraf Mallak, Managing Director of MSD GCC, said:Top of Form “We are proud to seal a partnership with Qatar Cancer Society. This is driven by our commitment to join hands with key stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem to drive meaningful initiatives and programs to help save and improve lives. Through this partnership, we aim to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and advocate for the prevention of HPV-related cancers.”

The MOU between MSD GCC and Qatar Cancer Society represents a significant milestone in collaboration with the broader healthcare ecosystem, fostering a discussion based on science to make a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of the population in Qatar and beyond.


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