Summer skin care: In blow-by-blow detail!


Summer in Qatar is bright and lively but can be quite harsh on your skin. The intense heat, combined with high humidity, can overstimulate oil glands, leading to excessive oiliness, particularly around the T-zone.

To maintain healthy skin during Qatar’s summer, it’s essential to address issues such as dehydration and avoid clogging pores with heavy makeup.
Here are eight tips to help you care for your skin during the hot months

Following these tips will help you keep your skin healthy and glowing despite the challenging summer conditions in Qatar.

Exfoliate regularly

Your skin naturally sheds dead cells throughout the day. If these aren’t removed, your skin can appear dull and dry. Use a gentle body scrub in the shower to exfoliate your skin. Apply a small amount of the scrub and massage it in circular motions to refresh your skin.

Stay hydrated

Your body needs at least eight glasses of water daily. Carry a water bottle and take sips regularly to stay hydrated. This not only prevents dehydration but also helps flush out toxins from your body.

Eat a balanced diet

Sometimes, dry skin in the summer is due to poor diet. Incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables into your meals, cut back on sugary drinks, and drink plenty of water. Coconut water or natural juices can also help keep your skin hydrated.

Switch to summer-friendly products

Thick creams used in winter may not be suitable for summer as they can cause sweating and discomfort. Choose lighter moisturisers or summer-specific skincare products to keep your skin comfortable.

Apply sunscreen

Prolonged sun exposure can dry out your skin. Make sure to apply sunscreen on your face, arms, and any other exposed areas before heading out, especially during peak sunlight hours. This helps prevent sunburn and protects your skin cells. Don’t forget to cleanse your face at night to avoid pore blockages caused by sunscreen.

Stick to the basics

Maintain a basic skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturising. The constant shift between air-conditioned indoors and the hot outdoors can affect your skin. Before bed, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and apply a suitable moisturiser.

Go light on makeup

Heavy makeup can clog pores, especially in hot and humid weather. Opt for lighter products such as a moisturising skin cream and lip balm instead of heavy foundations or powders.

Care for your lips, eyes, and feet

Don’t neglect your lips, eyes, and feet during the summer. Apply sunscreen to your feet, use lip balm before bed, and wash your eyes with water at least twice a day. Consider using an eye gel for additional care.


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