Gym Culture on the rise

Gym Culture on the rise


The need for a healthy lifestyle is imperative to maintain fitness. The need for doing so is even more pronounced given the general tendency to “live for the day” which is all very well in terms of enjoying life but never at the cost of one’s health. In a region that is known to face health issues like obesity and diabetes for lack of a fitness regime, it is all the more important to not waste any more time to take charge of one’s health. Qatar Happening talked to the movers-and-shakers of Base Sports, a fitness studio in West Bay, for a ringside view on this important subject.

What is the general level of fitness among teens or ones in their early 20s in Qatar?
A good indication could be a look at some studies supported by MoPH a couple of years ago. General fitness and participation in physical activities among a population over 20 years of age is correlated with their previous engagement with PA (physician assistant) in earlier years. There is definitely room for improvement.
Interesting times are here with the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and we hope it inspires the youth once again to celebrate sports and movement not just in front of their screens but by participating and practicing various disciplines of physical activity.

Srdjan: Numbers show we have one of the highest percentages of obesity cases in youths and adults as well. Anyhow, we are seeing improvements in attempts to overcome this issue and an increase in pedestrian-friendly areas which should have an effect on everyday lifestyle in the future.

What’s the best way to encourage youngsters to adopt a healthy lifestyle through gym routines in the Middle East?
Leading by example will always go a long way. Besides making physical activity more attractive through the media, the culture of physical activity should be fostered at home as well as in schools.
We all have a role to play. To educate instead of falling for short-lived trends would be a great choice for starters.

Srdjan: Increase in frequency and volume of physical education in primary and secondary schools would be a way to go, too. Physical activity is definitely underestimated in its ability to prevent a high number of chronic diseases.

Is obesity a serious concern among youngsters in the Middle East? What’s the best way to deal with the issue?
Yes, it is. To educate through formal and informal channels and by giving more attention to other aspects and deeper understanding of physical activity and its impact on overall wellbeing.

Are we on the way to a gym culture that would suggest fitness is something residents take seriously?
The gym culture is on the rise. Residents have plenty of options in choosing the activation that suits their needs. The biggest challenge is distinguishing ‘wants’ from ‘needs’ and planning the course of action accordingly. Curiosity is present and it will inevitably, lead to more conscious choices.
There are also smaller groups of enthusiasts that are taking it a step further and doing their best to influence and showcase various approaches to physical activity and lifestyle choices.

What’s the number of gyms in the country?
There is definitely a huge increase in the number of gyms available on the market.
One of them is Base. You should check us out!

Base Sports
Besides a panoramic overview of Doha in the heart of West Bay, Base Fitness Studio provides expertise in functional training and combat sports. The years of experience and passion that prevails in this small and dedicated team will provide you with tools that will stay with you on your fitness journey. Base offers personal training at its finest, a variety of group classes, and customised workshops for both private and corporate needs.


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