Paul Emery, visiting consultant, Zulal Wellness Resort for the entire month of December 2023 and offer his life-changing services which includes: The Mental Health Solution; The Sleep Better Protocol; The Healthier Eating System; The Quit Smoking Breakthrough; and Stress Management. In conversation with us, Emery talks about his wellness practice.
QH: What inspired your blend of neuroscience and ancient practices in your therapies?
Emery: I wanted to demonstrate to people what’s possible these days. Just how rapidly and effectively they can improve their emotional wellbeing with science driven, yet simply applied, results orientated mind-body techniques. Such as the ground-breaking neuroscience ‘Havening Techniques’ and meridian energy based TFT (Thought Field Therapy) the original, superior and diagnostic ‘tapping’ method.
Blending these together creates such a powerful yet gentle treatment, that many of my clients are astonished at the results they achieve, even in one session.
QH: Can I share a success story showcase in my sessions?
Emery: A client came to see me suffering from very severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) – war trauma.
For 15 years, every single night he would wake up having nightmares, flashbacks, panic and anxiety. In the daytime, he was very anxious and always hypervigilant, as it was a very traumatic experience he had during that particular war.
Within three sessions. I was able to completely eliminate his PTSD symptoms, his trauma. He no longer suffered from panic attacks, nightmares or anxiety. And was able to feel more peaceful and relaxed, and consequently, slowly come off his medications.

QH: How do your treatments offer immediate relief or cater to individual needs?
Emery: Rapid relief is frequently achieved in my treatments because I work with the body to affect the mind. Feelings follow thought – so by targeting and eliminating the actual feelings, the thought no longer triggers the emotion.
So, someone can think about a past trauma, phobia, or a cigarette for example and they no longer get a physical response when they think about it.
My treatments are diagnostic and tailored to the individual client’s needs and outcome goals. After a brief discussion about the topic, they seek help with, I assess what needs to be done and how I will do it. No two sessions are therefore the same really.
QH: What makes your approach stand out for stress management and quitting smoking?
Emery: It’s based on the very latest cutting-edge science and is a very practical, hands-on treatment. It targets and reduces feelings, fast, and not based on slow, generic stress management techniques and strategies.
Which I find mostly ineffective, outdated and not result driven. There is just no need for people to suffer for a long period these days.
For quitting smoking, I use a multi-pronged psychological mind-body approach, that helps with the cravings and all the reasons why people smoke. It could be triggered by anxiety, stress, boredom, being sociable or even the fact that some just like it.
Everyone is different of course, but generally people will permanently stop smoking with my methods between one to three sessions.
Once again, I also give simple, yet very powerful tools and techniques that they can use in-between sessions to completely knock-out stress or a craving within a few minutes.
QH: How does your presence shape guests’ experiences?
Emery: By being a Zulal Wellness Resort I can expose guests to self-empowering cutting-edge techniques that they haven’t yet probably come across yet.
Lots of people feel stuck with their problem and they often don’t know what to do. Therefore, hopefully I can open their eyes to what is possible.

Short shots
Favourite travel destination: Thailand. I’ve been based there for 20 years now. I was a full-time holistic health practitioner at Chiva-Som for 7 years and a visiting practitioner for 13 years, so I consider Thailand my home. I love the whole Thai thing. I love the culture, the people, the islands and beaches, and the climate. I find it a very easy and relaxing place to live.
Favourite book: I’m not a fiction reader, I’m more into non-fiction. One of my favourite authors is Paul McKenna because his books are like me, very practical and results-orientated, so anything by him is always on my list of must buys.
Favourite meal: I love Thai food. One of my favorites is chicken green curry. I think Thai is the most varied and delicious food in the world.
The best advice ever received: It’s a simple quote from Shakespeare that a friend wrote to me when I was going through a lot of anxiety and self-doubt: “To thine own self be true”. To be yourself and not worry about what other people think about you can often be difficult, especially these days with social media. People often judge others and unfortunately feel they can’t keep their opinion to themselves. So, to be true to yourself and not worry as much as possible about what other people think about you is sound advice.
Unwinding after a long day: It would be nice to catch up with friends of course. Other than that, I like to relax by listening to music. It’s my other passion. I love music. I used to play in a band and used to be a manager of some also. I even write music which I find a creative way to unwind.
Watching movies also, I love anything related to movies. I love old movies, anything to do with classic Hollywood. So, watching a good, old-fashioned, even black and white or film noir kind of classic movie is a great way to unwind.
If it was a particularly challenging day, then of course I used my own techniques on myself which quickly soothes my mind and my body and put the day behind me.