Let there be no anxiety!

Paul McKenna


Paul McKenna is a highly acclaimed international author whose works have sold over 12 million copies and been translated into 32 languages. He is an expert hypnotherapist, reputed for his success in treating challenging issues. Paul McKenna has been hailed as one of “the world’s most significant contemporary self-help gurus” by The Times, and is the most successful non-fiction author in the UK. His latest work, Freedom From Anxiety is making waves since being released early this year.

Scientific evidence now proves that specific thinking and behaviour patterns can lead to measurable improvements in individuals’ ability to cope with challenges and enhance their overall well-being. The research further confirms that adopting such a mindset can be learned, much like any other habit. Paul McKenna points out that in today’s challenging times, many individuals struggle with low confidence, motivation, and determination.
Freedom From Anxiety aims to equip readers with proven techniques that can transform their lives for the better, promoting greater happiness and fulfillment within even just 90 minutes. It helped that McKenna chose the New Year, which always a good time to make good on resolutions, to launch the work.
The book is divided into three sections, with the first part focussing on anxiety relief techniques; part two looking at building inner resilience; and the last part, focussing on making room for optimism, joy and creativity.
Freedom From Anxiety explains how tackling anxiety helps us to build resilience, which makes us better equipped to make the most of the good days and cope well with the bad. “Ultimately, it makes you a happier person, who no longer sees threat at every turn; someone whose life feels richer, who is able to see and grasp opportunities, and who others enjoy spending time with,” McKenna points out.
Through a series of simplifying complex situations and revealing techniques, the hypnotherapist explains that no matter how much it might feel like life is sometimes spiralling beyond our control, we can still be the master of our own emotions.
Picking up from daily life, McKenna describes the different ways anxiety affects us. “If you worry from the minute you wake up and can’t relax because you fear that if you do you will miss something, or if you can’t switch off, you are suffering from anxiety. If you’re forever running disaster movies in your mind, have a constant feeling of foreboding and a knot your stomach, if even when things are going fine you tell yourself it won’t last, that’s anxiety too. If your quest for perfection drives you to high standards but you don’t enjoy it, as you are looking for faults, that is also anxiety”.
The good news is that Freedom From Anxiety is here to help you achieve just that.
For a quick do, we have picked McKenna’s following technique from it for the benefit of Qatar Happening readers. McKenna assures that it helps to achieve immediate relief from anxiety, using deceptively simple but stunningly effective Psycho-Sensory and Neuro-Linguistic Programming exercises, where touch and visualisation transform the way that you feel.

The Freeze Frame technique
Read through this technique several times and practice the whole sequence as many times as you wish until you know you have memorised it well enough that it is almost automatic when you actually need to use it. First of all, check how your anxiety level is on a scale of one to 10.
Become aware that you are experiencing a stressful feeling in your body or that your mind is racing.
Put your hand on your heart and focus your energy on this area. Take at least three slow and gentle breaths into your heart, maintaining your focus on the feeling of your hand in the centre of your chest.
Now, recall a time when you felt really, really good – a time you felt love, joy or real happiness! Return to that memory as if you are back there again right now. See what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel how good you felt.
As you feel this good feeling in your body, imagine your heart could speak to you. Ask your heart how you could take better care of yourself in this moment and in this situation.
Listen to what your heart says in answer and act on it as soon as you can.


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