The man behind the sparkle!

Guido Grassi Damiani, president of Damiani Group

Guido Grassi Damiani, president of Damiani Group – the house of exclusive designs, high craftsmanship that tell exclusive stories – shares his journey, inspirations behind the iconic designs, and his vision for the future of luxury jewellery.

For Damiani, jewellry isn’t just about luxury; it’s about heritage, art, and personal connection. And it has been so right since its inception in 1924.
One piece that stands out for Damiani is the shark bracelet, a stunning creation in yellow gold and platinum with a white diamond pavé and jonquilles totalling 41 carats. This bracelet is special not just for its beauty but because it was designed by Damiani’s mother Gabriella, embodying the personal and family-oriented approach Damiani takes with their creations., reminiscences Damiani.

On being asked to share a memorable moment from his journey with the Damiani Group, he responds, “Every day holds significance for us as we constantly look ahead, making each day memorable.”
However, he points to the company’s 100th anniversary as particularly memorable. The celebration in Milan earlier this year was a grand event, attended by celebrities and notable figures from around the world, featuring an exhibition that underscored the family’s passion and dedication and planned as intricately as each piece from the Damiani stable.

Qatar foray

The decision to expand into Qatar is driven by the region’s robust market and loyal Qatari customers. Increasing their presence here was a natural step, according to Damiani. “It’s a fantastic location, and we are open to collaborating with local designers when the right opportunity arises,” he expresses.
Modern jewellery design, according to Damiani, is deeply inspired by women. He emphasises creating pieces that are not only beautiful but also practical for everyday wear, drawing inspiration from Italy’s rich culture and environment.
For Damiani, the joy of working in the jewellery business comes from the combination of beautiful materials, fascinating customers, and the significant moments his pieces represent in people’s lives. “It’s probably the best job in the world. Working with gold and diamonds in beautiful locations is incredible,” he signs off with a smile.

Short Shots
Best book read in 2023:
Il Segreto dell’Aurora (The Secret of the Aurora) by Alessandra Villasco Damiani (my wife)
Best advice received: Listen to people, but take one’s own decisions
Go-to unwinding method: Spending time with my children
Best holiday destination: Enjoy travelling and exploring new places. Favourites include Portofino in Italy and safari trips in Tanzania. I love Africa
Best childhood memory: After my father passed away, my siblings and I had to take over the company. It was challenging, but we were determined to make it succeed
Any message for the Qatar people: Connect with our latest collection

Interview by Azqa Haroon
Text preparation by Sara Naveed


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