VCUarts Qatar Kicks Off 2024-25 Academic Year with Enthusiastic Welcome


Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar), a partner of Qatar Foundation, recently commenced the 2024-2025 academic year with a warm welcome to new and returning students, staff, and faculty. As Qatar’s only university dedicated to art and design since its founding in 1998, VCUarts Qatar continues to uphold its legacy of nurturing creative talents. This year, 97 new students joined the university, with 91 enrolling in undergraduate programs and six beginning the MFA in Design postgraduate program.

The academic year started with a lively orientation program, setting an engaging tone for the fall semester. The new students were greeted by faculty, staff, senior leadership, and Dean Amir Berbić, who emphasized the significance of academic excellence and intellectual growth as part of the creative journey at the university.

Dean Berbić said, “At VCUarts Qatar, we are dedicated to nurturing not only your creative abilities but also your intellectual growth. The foundation of your education is built upon rigorous academic standards, and excelling in your studies will be essential to achieving your full potential. The skills and knowledge you acquire in the classroom are the bedrock upon which your creative talents will flourish.

“Strive for excellence. Your academic pursuits are designed to stretch your thinking, hone your skills, and push the boundaries of your creativity. By achieving excellence in your studies and expanding your horizons through extracurricular and leadership opportunities on campus, you lay the groundwork for a successful and impactful career.”

He added, “Remember, the true value of your time here lies not only in your academic achievements but also in the experiences and relationships you build. Embrace these opportunities, take risks, and allow yourself to be challenged.”

The orientation program also featured a keynote speech by Shaikha Darwish, an alumna of the Interior Design Class of 2023. Darwish shared her experiences balancing academics and extracurricular activities during her time at the university, highlighting how her involvement in various leadership roles, such as President of the VCUarts Qatar Student Association and member of the Interior Design Chair Advisory Committee, helped prepare her for future responsibilities. She concluded by recounting her proudest achievement—being chosen as the Class of 2023’s Class Marshall.

Following the keynote speech, the new students were introduced to the directors, department heads, and chairs of the university’s academic and non-academic divisions, who provided an overview of VCUarts Qatar’s BFA, BA, and MFA programs.

The orientation program for new students was a three-day activity-driven introduction to VCUarts Qatar. Students from the senior, junior, and sophomore years, along with the Student Government Association, and the University’s Student Affairs department led by Matthew Nelson Ph.D., were involved in organizing the program.

Ayah Abdelwahab, one of the seniors organizing the event, shared her thoughts on behalf of her peers.

She said, “We remembered our first week here, and hence, we worked incredibly hard to make this one memorable for this incoming batch. This year, we showcased the creative work of the University’s students by centering the theme around their specific academic pathways while maintaining a casual and fun environment that invited interaction. It was a true representation of what the University offers young artists, designers and researchers.”

Through team-building exercises, brainstorming sessions, and introductions, the new cohort got a taste of the diverse academic paths available to them and had an opportunity to bond with the wider university community.

New student Lucas Zilio Barnabe Venture, from Brazil, who has chosen to study a BA in Art History, talked about his first week at VCUarts Qatar.

“This last week has been amazing. The moment I stepped in, I could see how the environment encourages learning and creativity. The orientation program was a reflection of this. I’ve been living in Qatar since I was nine; I’ve seen the way the art and culture scene has grown in the country. It’s the best place to learn Art History at the moment and I’m quite looking forward to my classes,” he said.

In parallel with the student orientation, VCUarts Qatar’s Department of Human Resources organized an off-campus gathering for new and returning faculty and staff at the Mandarin Hotel in Msheireb. The event provided an opportunity for the university’s leadership team to outline strategic priorities and developments for the upcoming year. The gathering also served as a platform to recognize faculty and staff for their outstanding contributions to teaching and service. This year, VCUarts Qatar welcomes 189 faculty and staff members, including 20 new hires.

As the international branch campus of Virginia Commonwealth University’s renowned School of the Arts in Richmond, Virginia, VCUarts Qatar continues to build on its reputation for providing world-class education in the fields of art and design. Through its commitment to fostering creative and intellectual excellence, the university remains a leading institution in the region for aspiring artists, designers, and researchers.


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