Holistic journey to wellness, balance & wholesomeness


Exploring insights around the practised paradigm of health and wellness at Zulal Wellness Resort, Morio unveils the core philosophies and innovative strategies shaping the exceptional experience at Zulal.
His journey began not with a departure from Bangkok but rather as a return, a homecoming to the heart of wellness in the Middle East. After two years in the bustling city, Morio found himself drawn back to the world of wellness and the echoes of his tenure in the region for over 15 years. Zulal, a beckoning opportunity, aligned seamlessly with his extensive experience, having led another acclaimed wellness sanctuary on the serene shores of Koh Samui.
Morio speaks of Zulal’s unique ethos, its philosophy standing steadfast on six pillars – fitness, physiotherapy, spa, holistic, aesthetics and nutrition – and each one of these pillars is incorporated into more than 14 tailor-made retreat programmes to address ailments and concerns that are usually widespread. These include emotional and mental balance, weight loss, detoxification, stress and burnout, pain management, enhanced fitness, physiotherapy, beauty, relaxation, and much more.

Integrative approach
Drawing from a tapestry intertwined with experiences in prestigious hotels across the globe, Morio’s approach is coloured by the diversity of his journey. He has brought with him the wisdom and insight gleaned from luxurious properties, a wealth of knowledge now enriching the fabric of Zulal’s wellness tapestry.
However, it is the seamless integration of Traditional Arabic Islamic Medicine (TAIM) with modern therapies that has stood as Zulal’s unique identity in the world of wellness. Morio’s vision for Zulal was a sanctuary that transcended the boundaries of typical wellness retreats, embracing families of all ages in a mindful journey towards health and rejuvenation.
In the fading light of the desert, Morio’s words linger, carrying with them the promise of an oasis, an enclave of wellness, where the mind, body, and spirit find solace amidst the tranquil dunes of Al Ruwais.

Tailor-made approach
Morio’s eyes lit up as he spoke of Zulal’s opulent yet profoundly intimate approach to luxury. Zulal Wellness Resort offers an extremely high-end personalised wellness experience that goes above and beyond the traditions of a luxury hotel brand. He described every element of guests’ experience tied in with their holistic approach to wellness, a foundation of local traditions and legendary Arabian hospitality, infused with a cosmopolitan outlook.
Morio articulated that the result is unlike anything else – an oasis in the desert welcoming visitors from near and far, a home away from home where one leaves feeling like the best version of yourself. “Quite simply, Zulal Wellness Resort is a haven, harnessing the pure beauty and power of nature to revive the human mind, body and spirit,” he added.
Morio unveiled the resort’s meticulous dedication to personalisation. Every guest’s journey commences with a personalised health consultation, a one-on-one discourse delving into individual wellness goals. His face glowed with enthusiasm as he shared Zulal’s latest innovation – genomic wellness which taps into the science of DNA to identify how individuals respond to different lifestyle factors such as body and weight, diet, eating behaviour, nutrition, metabolism, exercise and even stress.
Delving deeper into the heart of Zulal’s philosophy, Morio voiced his vision for fostering a culture of well-being, extending not only to guests but also to the resort’s cherished employees. Beyond physical activities such as beach cleanups and monthly walking challenges, Morio mentioned Zulal’s commitment to nurturing well-being among staff by incorporating awareness talks conducted by health advisors on a variety of topics ranging from mental and emotional wellness.
Under the vast star-studded sky, as the night’s embrace grows, the essence of Zulal lingers – a sanctuary in the sands where luxury transcends extravagance, with well-being woven into the very fabric of existence.


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